The United States of Hypocrisy: Revisiting the Monroe Doctrine
US POLICY - There is no doctrinal statement in American diplomatic history that is more fundamental than the Monroe Doctrine.
US POLICY - There is no doctrinal statement in American diplomatic history that is more fundamental than the Monroe Doctrine.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - We are now witnessing the madness to which Group Rights Identity Politics has lead us.
COMMENTARY - Conspiracy theories are powerful forces in the U.S. They have damaged public health amid a global pandemic, shaken faith in the democratic process and helped spark a violent assault on the U.S. Capitol in January 2021.
COVID POLITICS - The common accusation hurled at proponents of covid-19 vaccines, like me, is that we are carrying dirty water for Big Pharma.
COMMENTARY - In 1930, John Dos Passos wrote that America is many things: it is a “slice of a continent”, “the world’s greatest river valley”, and “a set of bigmouthed officials with too many bank accounts”.
COMMENTARY - “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride” was my grandmother’s favorite phrase when I asked for anything.
OP ED: HUMAN TRAFFICKING - Law enforcement officials are warning that the upcoming Super Bowl will attract human traffickers to our region.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - The fact that the Left can dredge up some White Supremacist who hates Asians does not mean America hates Asians.
WAR WATCH - The last thing any of us need is a war with Russia over the Ukraine.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - The most oppressed group in America is Generic Americans.
MARC’S ANGLE- Christy Gravitt is a 25-year veteran teacher at Artesia's ABC Unified School District.
COMMENTARY - On January 3rd of this year, the five nuclear-armed states with the largest nuclear arsenals issued a joint statement declaring that they “consider the avoidance of war between Nuclear-Weapon States and the reduction of strategic risks as our foremost responsibilities.”
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