Tucker Carlson’s ‘Great Replacement’ Theory Comes From An Anti-American Nazi
GUEST COMMENTARY - Before a hate-filled 18-year-old murdered 10 and wounded 3 African Americans in Buffalo on May 14, he penned a rambling screed about replacement theory.
Our mission is to promote and facilitate civic engagement and neighborhood empowerment, and to hold area government and its politicians accountable.
GUEST COMMENTARY - Before a hate-filled 18-year-old murdered 10 and wounded 3 African Americans in Buffalo on May 14, he penned a rambling screed about replacement theory.
GUEST COMMENTARY - In 1936 at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, Franklin Delano Roosevelt told a cheering crowd that the only way to redeem the country from the Great Depression was by defeating the “economic royalists” who controlled the economy and sought “control over government itself.”
THE VIEW FROM HERE - “In a week, American voters can do to white nationalists what they fear most.
GUEST COMMENTARY - I only echo the voices of thousands who sounded the alarm before me, but then again it cannot be said enough.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE - Among the thousands of students graduating from San Diego State this weekend is one of California’s youngest and most unlikely philanthropists.
ROE V WADE - “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” — Genesis 2:18. RSV
GUEST COMMENTARY - Long before a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion revealed that by summer Roe v. Wade will likely be overturned, only pregnant people bore the burden of pregnancy—not just physically, but also financially.
SCOTUS JUSTICE - When Supreme Court member Justice Samuel Alito's secret plan for canceling the constitutional right of women to end their pregnancies leaked out to the public, Republican politicos went ballistic! Over the leak, that is.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - We now know that Dylann Roof was an all-around tragedy.
ONE MORE THING - We are in the midst of Primaries and even though the emphasis on the Supreme Court leak is not the lead story for the media anymore, it hasn’t disappeared.
SENATE MEDICAL OVERSIGHT - On Jan 1, 2024 MBC will cease to exist without legislation continuing its operations.
ACCORDING TO LIZ - Headlines across the nation last week reported the CDC findings that there had been a 35% increase in gun homicides between 2019 and 2020.
GUEST COMMENTARY - In yet another shocking abuse of the City Council’s veto power over decisions of Area Planning Commissions, Councilmember -
GUEST COMMENTARY - So, when does MSNBC talking head and former US Senate staffer and hit show West Wing writer-producer Lawrence O’Donnell call for a referendum to call a Constituent Assembly to re-write the 18th century aristo-republican charter that disastrously governs US politics and policy in the 21st Century United States?
GUEST COMMENTARY - So said the late conservative journalist M Stanton Evans, It is commonplace, even among Republicans, to label the Republicans ‘the stupid party’, while lambasting the Democrats as ‘the evil party’.
POLITICAL LANDSCAPE - Minority rule is killing America.
NEXT GEN - It’s graduation season, which is usually joyful. But many graduates aren’t in a celebratory mood this year — a lesson Vice President Kamala Harris recently learned the hard way.
ACCORDING TO LIZ - Profiteering by Chevron and Walmart, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk has been highlighted by the obscene amounts of money made during the pandemic.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - “Lying, thieving, hypocritical prigs” pretty much sums up the United States judiciary.
GUEST COMMENTARY - Hello again, friends.
DEEGAN ON LA—Without “force majeure”—an act of God for which no party can be held accountable—Rick Caruso may not be a loser in the June 7 Primary race for Mayor.
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