Sat, Jun

Can California Afford the High Cost of Green Warriors?

CLIMATE POLITICS--I have a saying: it attempts to describe a part of the human condition, that seemingly human beings always know how to screw things up royally, it goes like this: there is no problem too great or too small that can’t be made worse by the proper application of the human mind.

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Mind Your Business: UCLA Hotels Steal Funding from More Pressing Issues

REMEMBERING THE MISSION-UCLA is an institution with many moving parts. Something that goes under the radar, though: its side business ventures that don’t directly relate to its educational mission. In this series, staff columnist Mariah Furtek looks at how the blue-and-gold laden university’s often questionable cash grabs affect the campus and local community.

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Who Do You Want to Blame for the Poway Horror?

ALPERN AT LARGE--Welcome to hell, everybody!

A young man who hated Jews, and who hated President Trump's pro-Jewish/Israel efforts, and who was likely inspired by the recent slaughter of Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, just shot up a Poway synagogue on the last day of Passover. One dead, others wounded, and everyone in the area, if not the country, is understandably shook up.

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We Must Do Better

BCK FILE--Saturday, congregants in Poway, California’s Congregation Chabad, north of San Diego, gathered to celebrate the last day of Passover, the Jewish Festival of Freedom.

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Los Angeles: With a Lack of Affordable Housing and Parking, We Have ... Zip!

ALPERN AT LARGE--Fighting for both mobility and affordable housing (to say nothing of quality of life) means having to find realistic goals and innovative ideas that WORK. Pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking isn't to be decried, and neither is sticking to the tried-and-true, but as things change the need to be FOR something is both difficult AND essential.

Enter the Zip Car.

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LA Councilman David Ryu: Purple Line Transit Plan Cannot be Business as Usual

GUEST COMMENTARY-Dear Mr. Bertoni (photo above): As noted in my letter to the Mid-Wilshire Community, I have heard many concerns from the communities I serve regarding the current process and content of the Purple Line Transit Neighborhood Plan (“Plan”). I am sending this letter to start a transparent and open dialogue about my concerns and vision regarding the Plan process and outcomes. 

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The Unwitting Committee to Re-elect the President

NEW GEOGRAPHY--Given his consistently poor approval ratings, and growing concern about the polarization that he has exacerbated, Democrats should have little trouble ousting President Trump next year. But instead, with a series of outlandish and often deeply unpopular proposals, they have morphed effectively into the Committee to Re-Elect the President.

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