Sat, Jun

Arctic Permafrost No Longer Freezes… Even in Winter

CLIMATE POLITICS-Global warming is starting to hit hard like there’s no tomorrow, and at current rates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, there may not be a tomorrow, as emissions continue setting new records year-by-year, expected to hit a 62-year record in 2019. So much for the Paris 2015 climate agreement. 

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The Death Penalty Is Getting Crueler

OTHERWORDS--For years, most of the U.S. has been changing death penalty laws in the direction of phasing it out, or at least applying it in a more humane way. California’s governor Newsom generated considerable controversy recently as he moved to use his own resources to put a halt to the death penalty.

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Why are People So Damned Unreasonable?

ALPERN AT LARGE--The last two nights I witnessed a couple of Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) committee meetings that addressed development, traffic, and the environment. Discussions were had, the presenters were smart and sensitive to those doing the questioning, and the MVCC did what it does best: they were reasonable. 

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Killing the California Dream

NEW GEOGRAPHY--Californians need to give up on their dream of a “ranch-house lifestyle” and an “ample backyard” and the state should become “more like New York City,” writes LA Times columnist George Skelton (reprinted in the Mercury-News and East Bay Times in case you run into the LA Times paywall). After reading his article, the Antiplanner has just one question: Why?

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The Real Danger of Anti-Semitism in America

PERSPECTIVE-Many in the American Jewish community are worried about a rise in anti-Semitism and have recently focused their concern on the words of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar. That focus is misplaced. The real and actual threat comes from white extremists. 

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Talk is Cheap. Unfortunately, Housing Ain't!

ALPERN AT LARGE--People need a place to live--I've still not forgotten my earlier days in medical school, and as a resident, and certainly I care deeply about my nurses and my patients. Where are they going to live? Hence my decades-long efforts to encourage affordable and innovative ways for people to live, work, and enjoy a quality of life.

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Cesar Chavez’s Legacy: A Nonviolent Revolution

GUEST WORDS--Many people thought Cesar Chavez was crazy to think he could build a union among migrant farmworkers. Since the early 1900s, unions had been trying and failing to organize California’s unskilled agricultural workers. Whether the workers were Anglos, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, or Mexican Americans, these efforts met the same fate. 

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The Coldest Spot on Earth: Melting

CLIMATE POLITICS-Global warming is a fact of life that haunts society with consequences that hit hard, and exponentially, especially where nobody lives. It’s happening hyper fast and is downright scary as the major ecosystems of the planet turn upside down in a nasty fashion. 

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It’s Not Easy Being a Xenophobe in America

BCK FILE--Immigration and fear of “the other” have been hallmarks of Trump’s 2016 campaign and presidency. His political brand is deeply rooted in fear and intolerance. He has referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists, criminals, and drug dealers,” to African countries with a terribly pejorative term. One of his first acts as president was to sign an executive order to ban Muslim travelers from the U.S.

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Moneyball Meets the Homeless

DEEGAN ON LA-The convergence of statistics and baseball dating back even to Branch Rickey’s time nearly a century ago has, in recent years, been exemplified by the Oakland A’s former general manager Billy Beane, who started a revolution in “America’s favorite sport” with an analytical system that became known as “Moneyball.” 

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