Sat, Jun

Support SB 193 Now! Save Lives by Stopping the Illicit Sale of Nitrous Oxide in California Smoke Shops

VOICES-Several years ago, I found thick colorful balloons and metal objects similar to fat bullet casings in my home. I soon learned that those items were evidence of recreational nitrous oxide abuse and my high schooler had developed a life-threatening addiction. He fed this addiction by easily purchasing staggering amounts of “Whippits” in neighborhood smoke shops. 

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On Corruption, Wesson (Like Atlas) Shrugged

@THE GUSS REPORT-Corruption takes many forms in LA City Hall. There’s the figurative satchel of quiet cash traded for land development approvals, which may be at the root of the recent FBI raid of LA City Councilmember Jose Huizar’s home and office, and a lower profile FBI raid which took place a few weeks later and a few blocks away from City Hall. 

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The Folly of Pompeo’s Arctic Shipping Lanes

FROM CATASTROPHIC TO APOCALYPTIC-America’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, (photo below) speaking at the prestigious Arctic Council biannual meeting in Finland, christened the Arctic meltdown: “A wonderful economic opportunity for international trade.”

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Pogo, Martin Buber and Thomas Jefferson: They Said the Same Thing, But What Did They Mean?

ONE MAN’S OPINION-Perhaps, we should start calling Jefferson “Tommy.” He was only 33 years old when he started on his first draft of the Declaration of Independence. Because one does not start at the top, Tommy already had gained the respect of other thinkers of his day. The use of the name Tommy could serve to highlight that hard work, youth and intelligence may coincide, albeit not always.

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Netanyahu’s Defunct Strategy to Keep Hamas at Bay

WORLD WATCH--Prime Minister Netanyahu has served as prime minister for the past 11 years, coinciding with Hamas’ rule over Gaza ever since it usurped power in 2007 from the Palestinian Authority after a brief violent confrontation between the two sides. During this period, Netanyahu has deliberately perpetuated the conflict with Hamas as a means by which to promote his sinister political agenda. 

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Silent Spring’s Encore

THE CLOCK IS TICKING-Rachel Carson’s famous and brilliant book Silent Spring (1962), which single-handedly ignited the environmental movement, has never been more relevant than it is today. 

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The Fifty-Five Percent Solution

GELFAND’S WORLD--The late-night TV news shows were suggesting -- dare we say it -- that the House of Representatives could withhold pay from Trump administration staffers who refuse to cooperate with congressional inquiries. This is a good start.

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David Ryu Hits a Triple: Exposes Multiple Flaws in the Purple Line Transit Neighborhood Plan

PLATKIN ON PLANNING-It’s rare that I use my CityWatch column to praise a City Hall official for doing the right thing. But, Councilmember David Ryu and his staff deserve compliments for their clear and critical letter to the Director of Planning, Vince Bertoni, posing their many criticisms of the Purple Line “Transit Neighborhood Plan (TNP)” as tough questions.

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Time for You to Act Against SB 50

VOICES-Community activists and enlightened officeholders are raising the alarm about a huge threat to our neighborhoods. A bill now barreling through the California legislature would override virtually all local zoning and land use decisions under the cover of “affordable housing.” 

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