Sat, Sep

Pit Bull Attack Victims - Who Speaks for Them?

ANIMAL WATCH-Pit Bull attacks continue to ravage the lives of animal and human victims across the U.S. and Canada at an epidemic level, as officials directly responsible for public safety, including Los Angeles Animal Services' GM Brenda Barnette, manipulate policies and release unsafe animals to reach a nebulous goal set by Best Friends Animal Society to "save them all" and achieve "no kill." 

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Should Feral Cats be Banned?

ANIMAL WATCH--Los Angeles Animal Services' General Manager Brenda Barnette, local cat rescuers, shelter volunteers, Best Friends Animal Society and other 'trap-neuter-release' (TNR) advocates claim feral and stray cats are the cause of LA not being a 'No Kill' city. We are told if we would just spend more money on trap-neuter-release (TNR), L.A. would rank as a leader in humaneness.

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