Thu, Dec

China's Animal 'Wet' Markets Reopen - Veterinarian Missing on Trump's C0VID-19 Task Force

ANIMAL WATCH-On March 16, when Animal and Coronovirus - What are the Real Dangers? appeared in CityWatch, it was already obvious that the Chinese government would soon lift its March 5, 2020 ban on wildlife consumption and animal “wet” markets, due to the severe economic and employment impacts such closures would have on the Chinese national and local economies. 

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COVID-19 - Animal Experiments on Monkeys Infected with Virus Begin at California’s UC Davis

ANIMAL WATCH-Primate-center scientists have found that rhesus macaques, human-like monkeys, can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 -- the virus behind COVID-19 -- although they develop different symptoms -- so experiments are beginning at the University of California Davis, "to prevent outbreaks in their colonies,"  according to The Scientist. 

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Pit Bull Terrier Brutally Attacks Another LA Animal Services Shelter Employee as Visitors Watch

ANIMAL WATCH-Why aren't Mayor Eric Garcetti and Councilman Paul Koretz, Chair of the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee (PAWS) for the LA City Council, holding General Manager Brenda Barnette responsible for the unending series of aggressive-dog attacks -- mainly Pit Bulls -- on both employees and the public in Los Angeles Animal Services' shelters? 

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GM Brenda Barnette Sends ‘Adults-only’ Events Invite to Los Angeles Animal Services Staff via City Email

ANIMAL WATCH-Los Angeles Animal Services General Manager Brenda Barnette found time between saving Pit Bulls and feral cats on January 29, 2020, to send out an invitation from her official City email, to her entire staff, including Animal Control Officers, Animal Care Technicians, etc., which begins with this personal message: 

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Jan Perry, Jackie Lacey: Women Championing Animal Cruelty Laws and Protection

ANIMAL WATCH-Two women in Los Angeles government, Jan Perry, former-Los Angeles City Councilmember, (photo left) and LA County's  District Attorney Jackie Lacey, (photo right) have introduced and vigorously supported laws and programs -- including creation of the Los Angeles Animal Services -- LAPD Animal Cruelty Taskforce and the DA's Animal-Crime Unit -- to address such heinous crimes as dog fighting, cockfighting, hoarding and all forms of animal abuse, neglect and abandonment. 

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Is ‘No Kill’ Changing the Genetics of Pit Bulls?

ANIMAL WATCH-Pit Bull attacks are increasing  at a terrifying rate, as agencies like LA Animal Services and major humane organizations are following or considering the Best Friends Animal Society plan for "No Kill," No Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL), no breed ID in shelters,  and increased or no  animal limits.  

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LA Animal Services GM Offers Shelter Pit Bulls for Holiday 'Sleep-overs' and Furry Field Trips

ANIMAL WATCH-Los Angeles Animal Services General Manager Brenda Barnette issued a media release with three Pit Bulls at the top,  just before Thanksgiving, announcing a Short-Term Foster Program that invites the public to foster shelter dogs and cats for a few hours, perhaps for a Furry Field Trip, or up to a couple of weeks, until January 10. 

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