Sat, Sep

China's Animal 'Wet' Markets Reopen - Veterinarian Missing on Trump's C0VID-19 Task Force

ANIMAL WATCH-On March 16, when Animal and Coronovirus - What are the Real Dangers? appeared in CityWatch, it was already obvious that the Chinese government would soon lift its March 5, 2020 ban on wildlife consumption and animal “wet” markets, due to the severe economic and employment impacts such closures would have on the Chinese national and local economies. 

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COVID-19 - Animal Experiments on Monkeys Infected with Virus Begin at California’s UC Davis

ANIMAL WATCH-Primate-center scientists have found that rhesus macaques, human-like monkeys, can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 -- the virus behind COVID-19 -- although they develop different symptoms -- so experiments are beginning at the University of California Davis, "to prevent outbreaks in their colonies,"  according to The Scientist. 

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