Sat, Jul

Your Equifax Data is at Risk! Who’s at Fault, Will They Ever be Punished?

PERSPECTIVE-Equifax suffered one of the most significant data breaches ever, exposing confidential information stored within its network. What’s more, three executives sold a fair slice of their personal shares in the company after the event was discovered and before it was communicated to authorities and the public. Oh, and the sales were not part of a 10b5-1 arrangement through the SEC. The purpose of this arrangement is to minimize the risk of insider training by scheduling sales in advance. 

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Hurricane Harvey - A Sliver of Light

LIFE OBSERVED--The systematic dumbing down of American public education over the last 40 years – seen in places like the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and their non-functioning equivalents throughout LA County -- is having a profoundly negative effect on the ability of people to act intelligently and understand how to survive as we face an ever-increasing number of ecological disasters. Case in point, Hurricane Harvey. 

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Hurricane Harvey: Trump’s Cuts are Now in the Eye of the Storm

As Hurricane Harvey churned toward the Texas Gulf Coast last week, meteorologists, climate scientists and lay weather nerds on Twitter marveled at the crisp, detailed images of the storm sent to earth by a brand-new satellite. The nation’s first Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, (GOES-16), had been launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida 11 days after the November election, and has since transmitted high-resolution pictures of smoke from Canadian wildfires, of the August 21 North American eclipse and of a major fog event that spread out over the Midwest and Eastern U.S. 

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Defense of Transgender Rights:  Everybody’s Fight 

THE AGE OF TRUMP--Ask not for whom the transgender bell tolls: it tolls for thee. A hideous evil has befallen America -- it is Nazism. A classic Nazi ploy is to take over a nation by singling out a group that is weak and has few, if any, defenders. In Trump’s America of 2017, that is transgender people. 

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Tribalism: Getting Past the ‘We’ and the ‘You’

THE MYTH OF SCARCITY-Looking at the most recent examples of our longstanding and endemic confrontations over race, ethnicity, and equal rights, we should examine the ancient and primitive roots of this continuing problem – one that causes the human species to continue underachieving its potential – yet remains intact and unaddressed. 

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Afghanistan: Been There, Done That

THE EPPERHART EXPRESS--The most famous Afghan war veteran is fictional. He is known worldwide through the stories of one of history’s best-selling authors. A former army doctor, John H. Watson was introduced to readers in A Study in Scarlet, Arthur Conan Doyle’s first work featuring detective Sherlock Holmes. 

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Betting on Impeachment

LAYING ODDS-When I called my Vegas bookie, Vinny Baumstein, this morning to place a bet on whether Trump would finish his term, he laughingly replied, “No one is taking that debt.” The only bets are how he leaves and the date and time that Trump’s outta there. 

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Gov. Greitens: Take Down Missouri’s Racist Death Penalty Statutes!

PERSPECTIVE--This past Tuesday, well over one hundred and fifty years since the end of the Civil War, a powerful, well-connected, well-to-do Southern white man, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, exercised his law-given authority to stay the execution of Marcellus Williams (booking photo above), a poor black man. The reprieve was issued hours before the scheduled pumping of caustic chemicals by state officials into Williams’s body. 

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