Sun, Oct

Is The LA City Council Against A Black Woman As A Council Member?


CD 10 FILE- Los Angeles City council has not had a black woman serve as a member since Jan Perry and this was over a decade ago.

So, let's look at what the problems may be. On Friday, August 26, 2022, there was a motion filed by council president Nuri Martinez, for Heather Hutt to be appointed until there is a resolution for the possible conviction of MRT. Meanwhile, the vote met resistance from Marqueece Harris-Dawson who is a supporter of MRT, Mike Bonin who by the way was facing recall earlier this year and Monica Rodriguez who leaves a question of why she would block the appointment of a highly qualified woman serving. 

It has come to the possibility of a special election. So, I'm going to pick this apart. A special election can only take place if the seat is vacated and that means that MRT would have to be convicted, resign, or be exonerated and resume his responsibilities as the councilman for the 10th district. None of those things have occurred, and therefore a special election is not a consideration. This is what needs to happen so taxpayer dollars will not be wasted, and the people of the 10th district will have fair representation. Marqueece Harris Dawson, Mike Bonin, and Monica Rodriguez need to get over themselves. You cannot be a council member who does not have the best interest of the constituents that voted you in over your blind and ludicrous loyalty to a member who appears to be self-serving. This makes me question your ethics.  My question to the three is, do you plan on running for your seat or any other high level of government? And if so, you may want to think really hard about the power of the vote. We voted you in and we have no problem replacing you with members who are not self-serving. 

Heather Hutt resides in Los Angeles. She is a California Democratic Party (CDP) Delegate and former Treasurer of the CDP Black Caucus. She launched the Clean-Air Clean Water campaign in the City of Los Angeles, as well as the VOTE-LA campaign. She launched AB109 which allows for current non-violent, non-serious, and non-sex offenders, who after they are released from California State prison, are to be supervised at the local County level. Ms. Hutt is a former employee of senator, Kamala Harris (now VP of the United States), and she is also the first black U.S. Senate State Director in the history of California. In my opinion, she is more qualified than the three who opposed the motion. 

(Diedra M Greenaway, MS/MBA, Author, Former Budget Advocate and contributor to CitywatchLA.)