Thu, May

Red Alert: The White House is Getting Rid of All Cybersecurity People


MY TURN--As liberals across the country rally to get people out to vote, there is an underlying current that no one is talking about.

We all know that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, but how deep this goes has yet to be discovered. It’s anticipated that even if they managed to change the actual votes themselves, the American people will never be told. We make the assumption that those in charge of the government will investigate, crack down and thwart any future attempts, but if you are paying attention, you will realize that this is simply not so. Instead, those in the White House are removing as many cybersecurity people as possible, and this will open the flood gates for Russia.

The 2018 Midterms will make or break the United States. We have two choices: Putin/Russia or Democrats/The People. The world is watching and those in other countries that are leaders are already walking away from the U.S. They recognize the fact that the people not only empowered dictator behavior with Trump but are mildly sitting by and allowing the authoritarian enemy of Russia to take over.

Insiders in the WH are reporting that key cybersecurity interns, both nationally and internationally are being removed and those that have been in positions for a long time are being told to retire. In a New York Times articleentitled: White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role, they state:

“The White House eliminated the position of cybersecurity coordinator on the National Security Council on Tuesday, doing away with a post central to developing policy to defend against increasingly sophisticated digital attacks and the use of offensive cyber weapons.

A memorandum circulated by an aide to the new national security adviser, John R. Bolton, said the post was no longer considered necessary because lower-level officials had already made cybersecurity issues a ‘core function’ of the president’s national security team.”

It should be noted that on Bolton’s second day in his position he fired two of the cyber security professionals that Trump put in place: Thomas P. Bossert and Rob Joyce. Both of these men had exceptional cybersecurity backgrounds and both blamed Russia and North Korea for the cybersecurity attacks on the U.S. 

Trump Playing Toy Soldiers: Parade November 10th

Have you asked yourself why Trump would schedule his ill-gotten and abhorrent military parade for November 10th? This will be only four days after the midterms and he seems quite confident that there will be even more reasons to celebrate.

Beyond the fact that the sheer cost of this parade could help more of our veterans that need jobs, are homeless or require medical assistance, there is his recent private visit and conversation with Putin that doesn’t “borderline” on treason; it IS treason. Meeting with a government that is hostile to the U.S. and making secret arrangements not only outraged liberals, it has wreaked havoc in how Trump is trying to “spin” his story. He has attacked the U.S. press while praising Putin, walked it back, then supported it, then walked it back again.

While Trump may have underestimated how far he could outwardly push his pro-Russia agenda with a majority of Americans, his base doesn’t care if he sold the country for a bag of Rubles. They continue to be a small portion of the country (estimated to be around 22%), with a focus on one thing only: the economy. They are fed a constant brainwashing diet from the likes of Fox, Breitbart and Sinclair and buy into every conspiracy theory against liberals that you can imagine. In essence, they are emulating the same behavior as pre-WW III Germans.

As Democrats make every attempt to fire back at the Republicans, who have already proven that they are spineless against Trump, they need the support of every liberal out there. However, when it comes to cyber hacking, the only thing that can change the course of blatant allowance by the White House and the GOP, is if the people take to the streets, en masse.

There is another hidden secret that is slowly creeping out and that is the horrid potential visit of Putin to the U.S. Insiders are indicating that this also is being scheduled for a post-Midterm time slot, and if this doesn’t scare you, nothing will.

Very Few Are Reporting a Potential Midterm Disaster

Trump has made a living by stirring the pot of chaos. It has been his calling card from the very beginning. He keeps throwing out distractions and the press run after each bone, assuming it will increase their ratings. He knows how to “play” the media and they are complying with it, hook-line-and-sinker. It is therefore not surprising that very few publications are even addressing the fact that the U.S. is letting down all of the barricades to protect our elections when we should be bolstering them up.

The Democrats are anticipating a “Blue Wave” and if the Nov. 2017 election is any example of what can happen, it could be possible. Possible, that is, if voting isn’t interfered with, and this is the heart of what is now being planned.

It is already happening, as reported in a Fortune article: Microsoft Says Russia Has Already Tried to Hack 3 Campaigns in the 2018 Election

“Tom Burt, a vice president for customer security at Microsoft, said at the Aspen Security Forum that security researchers at the company discovered the phishing campaigns, tracing them to a group widely believed in the threat-intelligence community to be run by the GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency that hacked into DNC email accounts and leaked their emails.

Burt didn’t disclose the names of the candidates targeted by the hackers, but said they were running for reelection and added, ‘They were all people who, because of their positions, might have been interesting targets from an espionage standpoint as well as an election disruption standpoint.’”

An OC Register article also includes some of the pertinent information on methods being used by various counties to fight back. The article, entitled: Russians will hack again in 2018 midterm elections. Here’s how local officials are preparing, states:

“At a recent conference on election security, Orange County Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley said he’d asked former CIA Director Michael Hayden if Russian hackers will try to disrupt the 2018 midterm elections.

‘He didn’t hesitate,’ Kelley recounted. ‘He said, ‘“They will be targeting congressional races.’”

In Southern California, home to some of the nation’s most competitive congressional contests, that threat is being taken seriously. Consider just a few of the many new security protocols being adopted by election officials in the four-county region.”

The Threat for Our Very Existence is Real

If you cruise through the newsfeeds of the media (not Fox), you will note that there are a few Republicans making statements against the pro-Russia and anti-Ally stand that Trump has been taking. They are reporting the repetitive lies that he is spewing against NATO (and that his ill-gotten and rabid base supporters believe) and that he, like Hitler before him, is convincing his base that it’s the media that is the enemy (reference “Lugenpresse”)

Democrats are making every attempt to register people to vote, to talk about new directions and embrace as many cultures as possible. Dems are admitting to past mistakes and trying to forge ahead. However, if there is a blatant cyberattack during the voting process and no matter how many Democrats come out to vote, if the results support the current regime it will put us on a path of no return.

We will anticipate the fall of the economy and this will be ripe for enemies such as Putin to take charge. We will see his supporters saluting Putin and Russia and it will require an all-out protest and internal war. This may be what is truly scaring the Republicans, even more than their fear of Trump and his vindictive retribution towards anyone that says something bad about him. After all, Republicans ARE politicians and unless they want to end their careers, they need to appeal to all aspects of their constituents.

I am writing this not as a conspiracy theory, but as one that is paying attention. There are a few of us in the balcony, watching, observing and frankly, not trusting the very technology that we have been told is infallible in processing our votes.

World leaders have already given up on Trump and are making plans without the U.S. Angela Merkel is now considered to be the leader of the free world and even the Russian press is announcing that they stole the American elections.

Be Aware. Be Prepared. Be Alert. Protest and taking to the streets may be our last and final option … that is, until they pass laws indicating approval of jailing or execution of those that do.

If you know history — then you know that the U.S. has been breached and we are seeing a repeat of every behavior trait that has occurred in every fascist regime.



(S. Novi is a journalist that worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises. Her posts originate at Medium.com.)


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