Tue, Feb

Should Feral Cats be Banned?

ANIMAL WATCH--Los Angeles Animal Services' General Manager Brenda Barnette, local cat rescuers, shelter volunteers, Best Friends Animal Society and other 'trap-neuter-release' (TNR) advocates claim feral and stray cats are the cause of LA not being a 'No Kill' city. We are told if we would just spend more money on trap-neuter-release (TNR), L.A. would rank as a leader in humaneness.

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Pit-Bulls Lead in Dog Attacks in 2018, CA Insurance Costs Soar, and LA May Increase Dog Limit

ANIMAL WATCH-New figures were just released and Los Angeles is still the No. 2 city in the nation in dog attacks on U.S. Postal mail carriers, as LA Animal Services GM  Brenda Barnette, Councilmen Paul Koretz and the puppet LA Animal Services’ Commission move toward increasing the three-dog-per-property limit in order to dump more “challenged” Pit-Bull-type dogs in adoptive homes that believe the Best Friends' claim that the Pit Bull Terrier is a Nanny Dog. 

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Pit Bulls, Dog Fighting and ‘Bait Dog’ Hype in LA

ANIMAL WATCH-There have been no dog-fighting convictions in the city of Los Angeles since Brenda Barnette was appointed as General Manager of Los Angeles Animal Services in 2010, according to a member of the Los Angeles Animal Cruelty Task Force, which is now part of LA Police Department. The felony charges upheld against Arnett William Counts and Walter Citizen was the last successful trial in 2008. 

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Councilman Koretz Wants a Vegan Food Mandate in LA to Reduce Cow Farts, Global Warming, Wildfires: Let's Start in City Hall!

ANIMAL WATCH-Los Angeles Councilman Paul Koretz discussed cow farts on KFI radio earlier this week to justify his December 5 motion that, among other City venues, all movie theaters and major entertainment centers in the city of Los Angeles be required to have "at a minimum one vegan protein entree food option on their menus."  

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Feral Cats, TNR and Typhus Outbreak are Politically Inconvenient for LA Mayor Eric Garcetti

ANIMAL WATCH-Mayor Eric Garcetti's approval of an $800,000 expenditure of tax funds -- requested by Councilman Paul Koretz and L.A. Animal Services GM Brenda Barnette -- for the City to produce an environmental report (EIR) indicating there will be no negative impact from releasing thousands of feral cats through trap/neuter/release (TNR) programs in LA may come back to bite him in other politically sensitive areas--public health, homelessness, and an outbreak of typhus.

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Pit Bull Attacks - Can We Afford the Risk?

ANIMAL WATCH-On September 13, Forbes Magazine published an Infographic report on, "America's Most Dangerous Dog Breeds," which reveals that Pit Bulls -- the breed most responsible for dog bites in the 1990s, has held its lead in attacks into the 21st century, with even greater frequency. 

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Does Animal Cruelty in LA have a Double Standard?

ANIMAL WATCH-On August 15, Councilman Paul Koretz, Chair of the Personnel and Animal Welfare (PAW) Committee which oversees Los Angeles Animal Services and essentially decides all city animal policies, was lauded by local animal rescuers, fur-ban advocates and major animal-rights organizations --

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Why is GM Barnette Protecting LA’s Animal Services SMART Leaders?  

ANIMAL WATCH-Ask LA Animal Services’ GM Brenda Barnette about her officers' heroic actions for animals in the increasingly dangerous streets of Los Angeles and it is likely she will recite the latest news broadcast on the exploits of the Los Angeles Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team (SMART) -- praising Armando Navarrete, Annette Ramirez and Ernesto Poblano. 

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