Wed, Feb

Notice How Hamas and its Western Enablers Are Both So Non-Negotiable?


ALPERN AT LARGE - Contrary to what we wish we could achieve with Hamas “over there” and its supporters “over here”, they’re both non-negotiable...and they’re funded by the same enablers, nincompoops, and/or anti-Semites, to boot!

Same tactics, same players behind the scene. At least they WERE behind the scene.

But apparently, no longer.

Apparently, center-left-wing Politico is shocked—shocked, I tell ya!—to learn that those creeps ruining classes, university life, freeways, Met Gala, and just about every other facet of our lives are funded by... Biden donors  who are yanking the Democratic Party far, far, far to the Left!

Ever wonder where those campus protests with hundreds of tents came from, with all the same brand, and funded by...who knows?

Ever wonder who pays the way for those creeps who aren’t university-affiliated, but seem to have full-time employment as professional agitators?

Ever wonder who pays the bail on all those left-wing disruptors whose efforts could not possibly be equaled by “those right-wingers” (who somehow get blamed instead) for all that’s wrong in our streets, universities, and public life?

Well, I personally just HATE conspiracies and conspiracy theorists...

...but I REALLY HATE conspiracies and conspiracy theorists who end up being correct.

Those who want to tear down America, the West, and all that is Reason, Democracy, and Civilization are now from the Left, and despite apologists for George Soros and his ilk defending them tooth and nail, it’s the Soros Family, David Rockefeller, Jr., the Pritzker/Hyatt Hotel empire owners and those sleazers who want to trash our future.

In other words...the Radical Right is out there, but it’s the Radical Left who’s now got the money, power, and will to be our greatest collective Enemy.

I can’t say I like the Koch Brothers much, either, but it’s all these Lefties we must now confront, and who for some reason are big-time Democratic Party donors willing to change our nation, and our future and that of our children. 

The Tides Foundation is supporting many of the agitators/protestors/havoc-makers, and has the Soros, Rockefellers, and Pritzkers mafiosos, and to their credit Bill and Melinda Gates are no longer providing financial support to Tides.

But along those same lines is that we were dumb enough (or, perhaps I should say, Obama and then Biden) to fund Iran and pull them out of economic starvation enough for them to keep Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and all the other H-bomb organizations out there who want to start with Israel and then go right to the U.S.

All they know (and respect) is confrontation. 

No let-up in punishing and/or expelling and/or jailing misbehaving students, and no let-up in taking Hamas down in Rafah  is all they know.

Their modus operandi? They will cry and then scream for murder, and then they will play victim while refusing all sorts of ceasefires—both here and in the U.S.—just long enough to reload and restrategize.

Only when it’s obvious that people are being thrown out of college, thrown into jail, and thrown into unemployable status, will we see a change in behavior over here, and only when it’s obvious that Rafah is being taken and Hamas is finally “going down” will we see an acceptance of a Gaza ceasefire by the monsters who started this mess.

It’s “Death to Israel”, then “Death to the U.S.”, and then “Death to the West.”

That’s where it’s going, and it’s such a shame that we will have to put up our dukes because appeasement will fail to work on these 21st Century Nazis as much as it failed with the 20th Century Nazis. 

It really WOULD have been nice to do a compromise...but for those of us who remember Oslo and Camp David and all the other failed compromises with the Left over there, and over here...it doesn’t work.

Ready to encounter the local and worldwide Left?

Ready to see how this affects the November 2024 presidential and congressional elections?

Ready to relearn history?

Because the same irrational, relentless and insatiable jerks “over there” are now sadly “over here”, to boot, and they want to WIN.

So are we ready to LOSE?


(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father. He was active for 20 years on the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) as a Board Member focused on Planning and Transportation, and helped lead the grassroots efforts of the Expo Line as well as connecting LAX to MetroRail. His latest project is his fictional online book entitled The Unforgotten Tales of Middle-Earth, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)

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