Tue, Feb

Galperin for Mayor?


VOICES--Although I serve as the Treasurer of a Neighborhood Council, I write as a concerned resident of Los Angeles, not as a Neighborhood Council representative.

I've heard that Mayor Garcetti maybe considered for a Cabinet post with the new Administration. More specifically, he might head the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. I understand if this happens, that the City Council has the option to appoint a new Mayor or hold a Special Election. There is no money to fund a Special Election. I've also heard that the Mayor wants and has a plan in place for Nury Martinez, City Council President, to be the Mayor.

Unfortunately, if this is true, it seems to overstep some boundaries and proprieties. In my opinion, Ron Galperin would be an excellent Mayor. He'd exercise fiscal responsibility, not only that, but I believe he'd be a wise, compassionate, and productive policy maker.

If the scenario plays out as some are predicting, we all need to be ready to advocate, lobby for Ron Galperin to be our next Mayor.

Again, speaking only as a resident, Mayor Garcetti blows with the wind, catering to whatever group he perceives as most expeditious for rallying popular support. How dare he jump on the defund police movement, social justice and equity platform and create a new dept., Civil and Human Rights, during a time the City is facing furloughs, layoffs, and a budget deficit for at least the next 2 years. 

Sincerely and with concern,

(Naomi Waka is a Los Angeles resident.)




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