Sun, Oct

Why Does Author Ignore the Newhall Ranch in CityWatch ‘Burn Zone’ Story?


VOICES-It’s interesting that the authors of the article “As Fires Rage, California Must Stop Building in Burn Zones” mentioned only the Tejon Ranch and Northlake projects in the Santa Clarita area and totally ignored the huge 21,500 unit Newhall Ranch project west of the I-5 on Highway 126, also in a high fire-hazard zone.

This project is much larger than the projects mentioned, will affect water supplies and fire danger even more, and was bitterly opposed by environmentalists.

The fight went on for decades, and the Center for Biological Diversity made a settlement with Newhall Land to never comment on their project again.

Did this agreement tie the authors’ hands?

If they had it to do again, would they choose to take “hush money” in exchange for their silence?  

It certainly knee-caps the Center’s integrity and credibility, in my view, and does not serve the public interest.

(Cher Gilmore is a CityWatch reader)
