Sun, Feb

Make a Difference: Event to Save LA's Trees


VOICES--Become one of the people acting on behalf of the Los Angeles Urban Forest, the awesome, citywide shade-tree canopy that fights climate change and the "heat-island" effect, cleans our air, and captures our rainwater to sustain a livable urbanized world.

Today we are killing our Los Angeles tree canopy — but it needn't happen.

Angelenos For Trees invites you to an event in Studio City on Sept.15 focused on positive actions to save and expand L.A.'s canopy. 

Free lunch, free parking. 
You must RSVP to Angelenos For Trees at this eventbrite link

The City of LA is using unsustainable practices long-abandoned by Seattle, Sacramento, San Francisco, Portland, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Dallas, Austin, Washington DC, and a dozen other cities now far ahead of L.A. in saving their green infrastructure -- their shade trees. 

The Coalition to Preserve LA is working with groups striving to save the canopy, including the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA) Trees Committee, the NCSA Environmental Health Committee, Save Coldwater Canyon, the Eastside Nature Alliance -- and Angelenos For Trees.

Citywide, our canopy is being killed by sloppy developers, short-sighted city funding, the city's outdated planting and trimming practices, and its destructive circa 1990s approach to sidewalk repair.

You can act on behalf of the Los Angeles Urban Forest. Learn, then do. We can change how we view, cherish, and regrow our shared gift, the Los Angeles Urban Forest.

(Provided by 2PreserveLA.com)


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