Sun, Feb

Inglewood Keeping Residents in the Dark about Crucial Commission Meetings

SOUTH OF THE 10 - The Inglewood Parking and Traffic Commission began their September 22 meeting addressing the standing room only crowd stating “there was misinformation” floating around that they didn’t have a hand in creating the citywide parking permit program.

“This body didn’t create the program and had no input on it because it’s under the Inglewood Municipal Code,” said Brett “B.C.” Roberts, who was appointed by Eloy Morales and a community relations officer for Los Angeles Metro.

According to Morales his district LOVES the program.

“I have only received maybe two calls against the citywide parking program, and over 40 in favor of it,” said Morales during a recent city council meeting.

Why wouldn’t the parking and traffic commission take residents’ concerns about parking and traffic to the city council?  They are complaining loudly on social media on a regular basis.  Are residents being intentionally shut out of the conversation?

2UrbanGirls reported in an a previous article that the Parking and Traffic Commission hasn’t met since 2019, which was determined by going to the commissions page on the city’s website, and clicking on the link which says “view most recent agenda and minutes“.  The last document uploaded was from June 26, 2019.

Mayor James Butts stated there was no committee input when the city created the program either.

“This program was put together so fast, there was no committee,” said Butts.

After releasing the article, the city went out of its way to alert residents a parking meeting was taking place September 22 at 7pm, despite residents receiving less than a days notice.

The parking and traffic commission meeting agendas and minutes aren’t the only items missing from the city’s website.

The Citizens Police Oversight Commission has been completely scrubbed from the city’s website indicating to anyone who goes looking for it that it either doesn’t exist or doesn’t meet.

You would only know these commissions are(n’t) meeting because you are physically at City Hall and either standing in front of the entrance and/or walking into the Main Library.

City staff are responsible for uploading documents to the city’s website.  Josh Howe, is their contact in the IT department if they have issues.

The city will claim they are in compliance with the Brown Act because they post these documents for the public on the front of City Hall entrance and at the entrance to the Main Library, but the council will also state they have had no feedback on these issues because we don’t attend the meetings.

This is how the city silences prevents residents from airing grievances by making it impossible to keep track of what’s going on by hiding critical information.

Treasurer Wanda Brown began to warn us in 2020 that Mayor Butts is assuming total control over the city, police department, and its residents.“Mayor Butts having total control of the council, means he has the City by the throat with two hands,” said Brown.  “I tried to tell the council internally, but had no choice but to go public, and as a result I was retaliated against by having my access to City Hall restricted, I was removed from the council dais, had my duties taken away, and my salary significantly reduced.”

Contact the following city staff, assigned to the parking and traffic commission, and ask why meeting documents aren’t being uploaded for residents who don’t attend in person meetings.  Demand they upload every council agenda and corresponding meeting minutes they haven’t posted since June 2019.

These are the city jobs the council is asking us to “save” by passing increased taxes on November 2.


Eloy Castillo, principal engineer 310-412-8716 [email protected]
Peter Puglese, senior traffic engineer (and who approves/denys speed bumps) [email protected]
Luis Atwell, PW Director 310-412-5333 [email protected]
Tanna Nash, Administrative Aide 310-412-5392 [email protected]

If the city staff doesn’t upload the documents, do a public records request.

Aisha Thompson, City Clerk [email protected]
Beatrice Harvey, staff [email protected]

You can always contact your council person too!

Mayor Butts [email protected]
George Dotson [email protected]
Dionne Faulk [email protected]
Eloy Morales [email protected]
Alex Padilla [email protected]




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