Thu, Feb

DA Finds City of Inglewood Intentionally Deceived Residents

NEIGHBORHOOD POLITICS (INSIDE INGLEWOOD)--The District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division “concluded that the [Inglewood] City Council did violate the [Brown] Act by failing to provide a sufficient agenda description” of the ENA between the City and Murphy’s Bowl. 

Interestingly, the DA letter notes “It should be noted that the deficiency of the agenda description appears to have been part of concerted efforts between representatives of the city and the Murphy’s Bowl LLC to limit the notice given to the public.” 

Today marks the second week without a regular city council meeting for the city of Inglewood.

Will Economic and Community Development Manager Chris Jackson be held responsible for the staff report he submitted? Will City Attorney Ken Campos for be held responsible for signing off that sufficient notice was given? Why didn’t City Clerk Yvonne Horton catch this blunder? These answers could lie in a tally of raises and bonuses these individuals have been recipients of since Mayor James Butts took office.

The District Attorney’s office was clear that violations related to the agenda could render the item null and void but due to the timeframe her office received the complaint, no further action will be taken.

(2urbangirls cover Inglewood and South of the 10 for CityWatch. Check them out directly anytime at 2urbangirls.com)


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