Sun, Jun

Why Does Trump Keep Doing This?

JUST ASKIN’-Does Trump understand democracy? I’m really asking. His approach to politics is combative — kill-or-be-killed. If you hit him, he will hit you back harder, no matter what the rules of the game are. 

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VOICES-Whether or not Donald Trump continues in office in the near future, he has already contributed to a language of immigration that’s both larger than him and that will outlast him.

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What if Trump Refuses to Leave the White House?

PERSPECTIVE--Days after amplifying a right-wing pastor’s warning of a “Civil War-like fracture” if he is removed from office, President Donald Trump late Tuesday said the impeachment inquiry launched by House Democrats is a “coup,” heightening fears that Trump could refuse to allow a peaceful transition of power if he is ousted by Congress or defeated in 2020.

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Another Bogus Claim for Market-Driven ‘Planning’: Los Angeles is on the Verge of a Population Boom

PLANNING WATCH--Real estate interests have sucked up so much of the oxygen at LA’s City Hall that patently false predictions about an impending LA’s population boom continuously pop up  – like methane bubbles at the LaBrea Tar Pits.(Photo above: Methane bubble at the LaBrea Tar Pits: A picture-perfect metaphor for the perpetual forecasts of a Los Angeles population boom.)  

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The Quake to Make Los Angeles a Radioactive Dead Zone

WE ARE THIS CLOSE--Had the recent 7.1 earthquake and other ongoing seismic shocks hit less than 200 miles northwest of Ridgecrest/China Lake, ten million people in Los Angeles would now be under an apocalyptic cloud, their lives and those of the state and nation in radioactive ruin. (Northridge quake in 1994.)    

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Taking Climate Nihilism Seriously

VIEW FROM HERE-On September 11, Evan Dawson, host of Rochester's WXXI's “Connections” had a program on climate nihilism, and discussed author Jonathan Franzen's recent piece in the New Yorkerbasically arguing that it's time to spend more effort preparing for climate catastrophe rather than trying to avoid it through small, personal acts of environmentalism. 

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