Sun, Oct

Primary Countdown Is On.  Here Are My Picks.


RantZ and RaveZ - As we approach the Primary Election on June 7, you need to know who to vote for in the upcoming  elections. 

The offices of Los Angeles Mayor, Councilmembers and many others are seeking your vote.  If you are HAPPY with the current state of the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles and other cities in our region, you don’t need to vote.  Stay home and let the rest of us who are unhappy with the current leadership of elected officials cast our votes for change.  However, if you are concerned with the ever - increasing Homeless Population, Increasing Crimes, Poor Quality of Life, Excessive Taxes and the overall deteriorating conditions in your neighborhood, City and State…IT IS TIME to pay attention and make a difference.   The SAFETY of your community and family are at stake.  

Don’t depend on the Distorted and out of touch L.A. Times endorsements to help bring about positive change to Los Angeles.  Their previous endorsements brought us to the present points of multiple disasters with Corruption at L.A. City Hall led by FBI investigations and the arrests of multiple elected officials and staff members.  Corruption at the DWP and continuing probes into suspected illegal activities in and around Los Angeles City Hall and beyond.  

Here are my recommendations based on research and interviews with candidates. 

My focus and recommendations are limited to the general region of the San Fernando Valley and portions of Los Angeles City and County.        

Who should be the next Mayor of Los Angeles? 

The Mayor is the leader of the City.  In that capacity, all Commissioners and General Managers are appointed by the Mayor to serve.  This position holds the Mayor responsible for the good or bad within the city.  From the many failed actions and programs in Los Angeles the past 8 years, it is obvious that Mayor Garcetti did not do a good job removing Commissioners or General Managers that failed to perform for the people of the city.  Additionally, there are continuing FBI investigations and arrests of multiple elected officials and civilian personnel engaged in illegal activity and corruption at City Hall. 

There are 12 candidates on the ballot for Mayor.  Knowing 6 of the candidates personally, I know that Mel Wilson is an honest man who would serve the people well as Mayor and would do well to make sure the valley receives their fair share of city services.   

Councilmember Joe Buscaino resigned from the LAPD to run for City Council. With 8 years as a councilmember, I don’t believe Joe has the experience to run the city with the many challenges it faces moving forward.  However, Joe is a good and honorable man. 

City Attorney Mike Feuer has experience as a former councilmember and State Assemblyman.  With this experience, I would think Feuer would have been more focused on city liability claims and millions spent on liability matters.    

The office has a reputation of settling cases and not fighting them in court.  I believe this has contributed to the growing homeless population living on L.A.  streets.  

The City Attorney’s office is responsible to oversee contracts involving city departments.  With the DWP corruption case involving the General Manager and millions in bribes.  Where was the City Attorney’s office?  Additionally, the FBI corruption investigation led to a search warrant for the City Attorney’s office.  That matter has not been closed.   

Los Angeles needs a Mayor without “pestering issues” following them into office. 

Congresswoman Karen Bass and Councilman Kevin De León both have extensive political experience in Sacramento.  Both know how the system works and how to get things done.  The problem is both share the responsibility for the current Homeless population that negatively impacts Los Angeles and beyond.  Their experience in political office has given them the opportunity to step ahead of the crowd and develop ways to counter the Homeless population and address crime and the quality of life in Los Angeles.  Their track record is not reflective of success of championing the reduction of the Homeless population. 

I am sure the remaining candidates are honorable people with a genuine concern for the direction of L.A. and beyond.  The reality is if you don’t have funds to run a campaign and get the word out to sell your ideas to the voters, you will not be elected and can always be proud that you gained the signatures and qualified for the ballot and ran for Mayor.  I congratulate them for showing interest in the governance of the City of Los Angeles.   

My Recommendations for the June 7 Primary Election…..



Rick J.  Caruso 


City Attorney:

Hydee Feldstein Soto, or 

Sherri Onica Valle Cole 



David T. Vahedi


County Supervisor 3rd District:

Roxanne Beckford Hoge



Alex Villanueva


Measure BB:



Additional offices and officials will be posted in the next edition of  RantZ and RaveZ 


(Dennis P.  Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  The column is published twice a month in CityWatch to enlighten you on issues impacting Los Angeles and your community.  Dennis is a 54-year active member of law enforcement and a retired elected public official.)