Sat, Jul

 Eyeless in Gaza

WITNESSING WAR CRIMES-Write down: I, Uri Avnery, soldier number 44410 of the Israel army, hereby dissociate myself from the army sharpshooters who murder unarmed demonstrators along the Gaza Strip, and from their commanders, who give them the orders, up to the commander-in-chief. 

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Bombing Syria: Wrought with Uncertainty … and Still Is

WHEN TRUTH IS OBSCURED-It can be argued that the multilateral coordinated military action against Bashar al-Assad was carried out for the right reasons; after-all, the use of chemical weapons is intolerable and must be met with disciplinary force. In the staunch words of President Trump: “No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rouge states, brutal tyrants and murderers dictators.” 

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There Is No Reasonable Way to Say ‘Abortion Is Murder’

FIRED FOR HIS VIEWS--When Kevin Williamson was fired by The Atlanticon Thursday afternoon, the Twittersphere lit up with mournful statements from conservatives, claiming Williamson had been martyred for his “views.” In their rush to defend him, they revealed several crucial truths about anti-abortion thinking in 2018 and gave the lie to the idea of a “compassionate” pro-life movement. 

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Unleashing Donald Trump’s Inner Child

VIEW FROM HERE--For historians, the current president of the United States is terra incognita. Donald John Trump is the first of the 44 individuals who have held the office to never have been a government functionary. Even men like U.S. Grant and Dwight Eisenhower served in high-ranking military positions, overseeing the huge bureaucracy of war. As far as I am aware, Trump has never even been a local commissioner, let alone an elected official. 

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Democracy In Chains, Laissez Faire Capitalism On Steroids … Say What?

FIRST PERSON-In her book Democracy inChains, Professor Nancy MacLean of Duke University in North Carolinalays out how the over 40-year master plan funded by the Koch brothers and other mega-rich oligarchs has dumbed down the American electorate to the point that it is now incapable of understanding what she is talking about because they no longer have the requisite critical thinking skills needed to do so. In 2018, we see that these skills have been systematically removed from our public education system, much like in the Orwellian “newspeak world” presciently described in George Orwell's novel,1984

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The White Ford Bronco Presidency: It’s Trumpian News 24/365

GUEST WORDS--A record? Come on! Don’t minimize what’s happening. It’s far too unique, too unprecedented even to be classified as “historic.” Call it mega-historic, if you wish. Never from Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar to Soviet despot Joseph Stalin, from the Sun King Louis the XIV to President Ronald Reagan, from George Washington to Barack Obama, has anyone -- star, icon, personality, president, autocrat, emperor -- been covered in anything like this fashion.

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Trump’s Older Sister Says “Donnie’s Acting Like a Nutjob … I’m Worried About Him”

SIBBLING SENDUP-She is the balanced, stable, sane Trump sibling and she’s not happy about the behavior of her little brother, the President of the United States.Maryann Trump Barry, Donald Trump’s older sister and a United States Circuit Judge, told reporters over the weekend, “Donnie’s not acting right -- I’m afraid he left his marbles back in Queens.” 

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Are Americans Too Stupid for Self-Government?

CORRUPTION WATCH-During the last election, Russia’s job was to screw with America. Cambridge Analytica’s business model was to data mine the www for memes in order to package and sell them to political campaigns. The job of Americans was to be educated. Two of these entities did their job while the last one failed miserably. 

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