Sun, Oct

Get Paid To Go Green, L.A.


Living in L.A. means plenty of opportunities to get paid for being green, especially when it comes to home energy efficiency. Whether you’re interested in replacing that vintage clothes washer with an ENERGY STAR model or planning a whole-home retrofit, your utility provider(s) may reward you for cutting back on kilowatt consumption.


Here are a few rebates and incentives for Angelenos:

If you’re a customer of Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, you may be eligible for several hundred dollars in rebates for ENERGY STAR refrigerators, efficient air conditioners, cool roofs and more.

Southern California Edison customers also qualify for rebates for individual upgrades, or may receive up to $4,000 for taking on whole-home retrofits, which could include everything from new appliances to a heating and cooling upgrade.

In addition to several energy efficiency rebates of its own, Southern California Gas Company also provides loans ranging from $2,500 to $20,000 to help finance your green home makeover.

Not sure where to start? You may want to get a home energy audit. To find out what an audit may recommend for your home, check out EnergySavvy.com’s free online energy analysis. This tool gives a list of recommendations to conserve as well as an idea of how much cash you could save on utility bills.

EnergySavvy also offers a directory of rebates with even more opportunities to get paid to go green in the L.A. area. Check it out here.

Anne Maertens works at EnergySavvy.com where she helps further EnergySavvy’s mission of making energy efficiency easier for homeowners.

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