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XL Bullies, Pit Bulls Attacks on Women in 2024


ANIMAL WATCH - A Northern California woman, Maria Paula Contreras, was viciously mauled by her own XL Bullys (oversized Pit Bulls) which turned on her instantly after she entered her yard, according to a report by The Sun on August 3, 2024. She was saved by neighbors from her own beloved pets.

This occurred just a few months before the recent attack on  Pedro Luis Ortega, 26, who was fatally mauled by his three XL bullies in a community  park on December 13, 2025, which was also called an anomaly.  (See: XL Pit Bulls Kill Owner, 26, in San Diego Park as Son Watches – Where is the Public Outrage?)

Contreras told The Sun she had “suffered serious wounds to her arms, legs, back, and torso, causing muscle detachment in some areas,” and that she had required multiple skin grafts to her arms from injuries she incurred while trying to protect her face.

Her father said that “one of her dogs bit her breast,” and Maria added, "I am alive by a miracle, because I lost a lot of blood," when the two were interviewed by Caracol Radio on July 30, a month after the horrifying incident. 

She shared that she had never expected this from her beloved dogs, after being discharged from the John Muir Hospital on July 28.  

“She then developed an infection during her recovery, which slowed her healing process,” according to Sun reporter Sara Crabtree.

She was hospitalized for a month, according to the report.

The tragic injuries and deaths of owners by their large XL Bullys and other Pit Bull-breed dogs in communities all over California and all over the world  confirm that this breed cannot be used  for protection; and, in fact, no one is safe from attack by them—even their owners, which, in both cases above, were  spontaneous and apparently without any direct cause. 

Yet major U.S. humane organizations upon which the public relies for education, guidance and recommendations in regard to family pets, along with local animal shelters and humane societies, endorse this breed for adoption for individuals, and  for families with small children.

Maria Paula Pena Contreras was reportedly hospitalized for a month.

She said that on the day of the attack she was just returning home from work,  and the dogs greeted her as usual, ready to go out for their daily walk, but she believes her decision to play hide-and-seek with them was the mistake that caused the attack. (Pit Bull owners often blame themselves for something they did that would be part of play with other breeds.)

"I went to the trash and at that moment I saw that my Ragnarcito followed me and I said: 'I'm going to hide, that was the decision I made and I said, but why did I do it?'" 

Fortunately, neighbors called the police, who arrived and found her trying to fight off the dogs. A police officer arrived and fatally shot both dogs.  

Maria was rushed to hospital for a four-hour surgery.

Contreras' mother, Paula Andrea who lives in Colombia, told local media at the time that "Only her face was saved because she protected herself with her arms, the rest of her was bitten."


"I loved my babies, I adored them, they were my company for the last three years," she told the local radio station.

"It's not the breed, three years of giving me love and affection and it was only a small decision that changed everything, but they were a love to me," she said. 

XL Bully Kills Owner After They Dance on TikTok




An XL bully owner danced gleefully with her adored Pit Bull, which attacked and killed her a few months later, according to The Mirror US.

Nicole Morey, 23, was celebrating her birthday earlier in the week when she was attacked by two Pit Bulls in Limerick, Ireland, the report states.


Ms Morey was killed after celebrating her 23rd birthday© Reach Publishing Services Limited

She was described by an uncle as “a lovely girl, with a great heart. . .She was a decent girl, quiet, she kept to herself.” She was also reportedly the owner of four dogs—Pit Bulls-- which she kept inside and slept with her ”like her children,” the report states. 

After she was killed by at least one of the dogs, her uncle commented to the media, “I said to them this morning it just goes to show you can't trust dogs. You can't trust any dog, but especially those dogs - they are bred to kill.”

Other videos featuring the owner and her dog included her as she “beamed and hugged her dogs, with one snap showing the pooches lying on her. In another post, she is seen participating in a TikTok trend with the dogs, the report states.

Victim dances with XL Bully above. It is not known if this was the dog involved in the fatal attack.

In the video, she feeds them treats according to which of the two is "more protective" and which is "most likely to start an argument," using the hashtag “dogmum,” and this is what she recorded in the audio.

She also stated: "This is my son, and I don't give a f*** if you think he looks aggressive." The clip added: "I don't give a f*** if you don't like the look of him, and I certainly don't give a f*** if you think the breed should be banned."

A ban on XL Bullies was put in place last year in Ireland, as well as in England.  It requires that dogs of this breed must be spayed/neutered, registered and has various other provisions, which can be seen here.

According to the report. “She was out for her birthday, she was 23, and, she went home, opened the hall door to go in home when the dog attacked her, jumped out on top of her and attacked her,” her uncle  told the Irish Mirror.

By the time authorities arrived, the uncle stated that he was told, “they [the dogs] were mauling her. . .they had to shoot the dog to get him off of her.”shared pictures smiling alongside two of her pets.



A woman who was left with hundreds of injuries after her XL Bully dog "played tug of war" with her breast implants in a vicious attack has spoken out about her horrific half-hour-long ordeal.

Charlie Watts, 28, a tattoo artist from Holt, had taken in a pair of XL Bullies - named Juju and Titan, who were endangered by the ban on Pit Bulls in Great Britain. But on (date),  she was  brutally injured attempting  to break up a fight between the two.

Watts was at home alone with the two dogs when Juju turned on her. She described that she could “feel her dental veneers clashing against the illegal dog's teeth as she was mauled.” 

She said: "I was trapped on the floor and at one point Juju got hold of my left breast and was playing tug of war with it," adding that she thought the dog was "fixating on hurting" 

Charlie Watts, 28, a tattoo artist from Holt in Norfolk, had owned a pair of dogs - named Juju and Titan - but was brutally savaged when she tried to break up a fight between them.

Watts had been by herself in her flat when Juju turned on her, and detailed how she “could feel her dental veneers clashing against the illegal dog's teeth as she was mauled”

She said: "I was trapped on the floor and at one point Juju got hold of my left breast and was playing tug of war with it," adding that she thought the dog was "fixating on hurting” her.It was then that Titan intervened by jumping into action to protect her from the out-of-control Juju, and Watts was able to escape.

A neighbor then stepped in to help the blood-soaked tattooist.

The extent of her injuries still caused her to be hospitalized for four days after the attack.

The mauling left Watts with tissue, nerve and muscle damage in her arm - which she said she still could not use at the time of the interview.

"The doctors didn't think they'd be able to save my breast implant, but luckily they have kept it in... I was going to get them redone last year but I'm so glad I didn't now," she said.

(Phyllis M. Daugherty is a former Los Angeles City employee, an animal activist and a contributor to CityWatch.)

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