Sat, Feb

5 Reasons You Should NOT Get a Pit Bull for Christmas!


ANIMAL WATCH - Los Angeles Animal Services shelters are filled to overflowing with previously owned Pit Bulls—some touted as “purebred,” and now with pre-Christmas adoption discounts to make it easier to add the “all-American dog” as a family pet. But are they living up to their hype?

Following are recent nationwide reports on attacks on, and in the homes of, people who loved these dogs and kept them as family members—envisioning them from a human perspective. Apparently the dogs were just waiting for the opportunity to express their true nature.

How long will animal lovers continue to act with emotions, rather than accepting that this is a breed that was uniquely bred for attacking, fighting and killing, and not as a pet?

It attacks other animals, babies, children, the elderly and its owners—not out of malice, but because its genetic structure was (and is) developed by selective breeding, and “the fighting dog is who it is.”

Should you be persuaded to get a Pit Bull—adult from the shelter or puppy from a breeder—as your family’s new “best friend?”

The following are documented reports of a continuing trend of unprovoked aggression by Pit Bulls all over the world, which are now attacking humans who love them—and, especially, innocent children and the elderly.

It is time to ask, “who is profiting?” (We will analyze this in an upcoming article on CityWatchLA.com.)


(Photo after attack (Credit: WFAA) (McKennq at 8-months of age)

A Fort Worth toddler, 2, removed for “safety” from her family by Child Protective Services was attacked by a Pit Bull while in the temporary care of the foster family, WFAA reported on November 14, 2023.

Family members told WFAA Channel 8 (before photo taken at 8 months of age) that “the pit bull crushed the little girl’s facial bones, causing tissue under the skin to detach from the skull,” according to the report

Dalena Martin and her husband cried as they stood outside of Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth. According to the report, they have visited their 2-year-old daughter, McKenna, daily since the tragic incident occurred after CPS placed the child on a temporary safety plan, according to a spokesperson for the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS).

The Martins told WFAA they voluntarily placed their daughter in the care of their family friends after relapsing from drug addiction. However, CPS got involved and provided the option to place the child in a relative’s home, according to a CPS spokesperson.

Two weeks later, a family Pit Bull inside of McKenna’s temporary home suddenly lunged at the toddler from across the room and attacked her.

“It then got the taste of blood in her mouth and went crazy,” Dalena said. “She [the dog] was already becoming reactive, but she was a family dog and she laid with McKenna the night before.”

Responding Sansom Park Police said that the Pit Bull “had a litter of puppies.”

McKenna has undergone multiple surgeries, “It crushed her facial bones, all the tissue under the skin was completely detached from the skull,” Jeremy said. “Her lip had to be sown back in, nostrils back in, her tear duct on her left side had to be reinforced.”

The injuries are both visible and emotional.

“I feel like she’s lost her light, she’s scared,” Dalena said. “I just want her to smile.” The Martins claim they warned CPS about the dog’s aggression several days before the attack, and that the dog had attacked someone outside of the home two months ago, and that CPS was asked to find a new home for McKenna. They said they “are in the process of trying to regain custody.” A GoFundMe page was started to help with the child’s care.

They also said they “want to raise awareness about the danger of dogs who begin to show signs of aggression.”


Axel Foster was only 4 years old when he was visiting his grandparents’ home in Tecumseh, OK, and reached into a pen where they kept Pit Bulls to pet one of the new puppies. However, the male dog completely tore off his arm below his shoulder, according to the Law and Crime report.

Although he was immediately rushed to the hospital, the arm could not be reattached. (This was reported on Dec. 15, 2021, but this little boy will live with the results for his lifetime.)

The arm was still in the pen when police arrived and one of the pups was chewing on it. An officer attempted to distract the dog, but it was so aggressive that officers had to shoot it in order to try to get in the pen. The Chief said he had seen serious bites but never one that was a total amputation according to KFOR.

Animal Control was sent to the home to assist police. “When officers and animal control attempted to retrieve the arm, the dog became aggressive to them,” Chief Kidney said. He added that the dog had to be put down before Officer McCormick was able to go into the pen and get the arm.

Forbes reportedly told officers on the scene that Foster had reached into the pen because he wanted to pet the puppies. That’s when the male adult attacked, latching its jaws around the child’s arm.

If Foster had been left unsupervised, Kidney said the grandparents may be charged with child neglect.


Antonio Shaw , 63, of West Philadelphia, became non-verbal due to a series of strokes he had suffered. He was attacked by two Pit Bulls after mistakenly entering the wrong house on North 62nd Street on October 4, according to the Daily Mail.

His injuries were so severe that he required hospitalization for 15 surgeries, but he passed on December 4. 2023.

“These dogs were very vicious and hungry,” said Shaw’s sister, Sharese Jackson, who witnessed the incident. “These dogs were eating him like a piece of steak.”

Despite Mr. Shaw’s inability to call for help, a neighbor eventually saw him struggling against the dogs and dialed 911.

Mr. Shaw’s health complications, combined with the dog bites and resulting infections, led to a deteriorating condition. (He also had undergone a leg amputation due to the severity of his injuries.)

Police shot one of the dogs on the scene and injured the other, which was later euthanized by animal control. Five dogs were in the house at the time, the report states.


A seven-month-old baby, who had been left with a babysitter, is permanently brain-damaged after suffering horrific injuries when two Pit Bulls brutally mauled him, biting his face, head and torso, according to a December 19, 2022, report by MailOnLine.

The babysitter stated that she had to go out and left seven-month-old Samaj with her daughter, who opened the door to their cellar and the Pit Bulls escaped and immediately attack the baby, who was in his walker.

The baby suffered a broken nose, fractured skull and loss of his previous motor skills from the attack.

The child will be left with “future brain damage and was unable to breathe on his own,” according to the report.

Both Pit Bulls, which reportedly were owned by the babysitter’s boyfriend, have been euthanized.

“I will never leave Semaj’s side – I have been with him since the day of the incident,” his mother said. D'ajuane added that the family had used the babysitter before and had no reason to suspect they needed caution.

On November 17, Semaj was moved from the ICU but he has a long road to recover.

Although he has a ‘long road to recovery’, Dajuane said he and his family are trying to stay positive and handle the “whirlwind of emotions” from blaming herself for failing to protect her son to anger at the negligence of the Pit Bull owner, but is just grateful her son is alive.

#5 – Aunt’s Therapy Pit Bull Attacks11-Year-Old Boy

An 11-year-old boy, Joshua Rivera, was hospitalized after reportedly being attacked by his aunt’s therapy dog in New York on Tuesday. The attack occurred while Joshua was playing with the Pit Bull named Aries in his aunt’s Manhattan apartment, WABC reports.

Joshua’s aunt, Joanna Rivera, said that she was in the bathroom when she heard a commotion in the other room. “I just heard my nephew screaming,” Rivera told WABC. “I got bit myself trying to separate them.”

Joshua was transported to a nearby hospital, where he had surgery to treat injuries on his face, eye and arm, the New York Post reports.

Joshua and his twin brother have been living with Rivera since their mother died several months ago from cancer. Rivera said that her dog was gentle and has never displayed these aggressive tendencies in the past.

However, she added that both boys have ADHD and suspects the dog was overwhelmed by the two boys playing with her. “So I guess their strength was too much for the dog,” she said, according to the report.

The dog was sedated and removed from the apartment. Rivera planned to have the dog euthanized, according to the New York Post.

(Read complete DogsBite.org report here.)

These are just a few of the tragedies that were posted online on attacks that will damage victims for the rest of their lives. It is obvious that many Pit Bull owners are not prepared for this responsibility. Consider the potential liability and heartbreaking damage they can do before considering adoption, purchase or bringing one into your home and taking on an obligation of this magnitude.

(Phyllis M. Daugherty is a former Los Angeles City employee, an animal activist and a contributor to CityWatch.)