Sat, Jun

Editor’s Memo: Was It Something We Said?


TODAY’S CITYWATCH—If Southern Californian’s weren’t blessed with a surplus of egos, we’d be laboring under the weight a good sized inferiority complex.

California sends substantially more bucks to Washington than we get back in aid and support.

Politicians come calling for campaign dollars so often the traffic crawl they cause has us in a huff. Millions of SoCal dollars to help them get elected and to support their political causes.

And, as Brian Hawkins reports in Today’s CityWatch...


We’ve gotten very little in return. Few plumb assignments or committee chairs for our electeds. Little to indicate that DC even knows the Left Coast exists. Was it something we said? Is the Disney neighborhood really that different? What’s up with the SoCal putdown? Brian provides some perspective and some answers. Give his piece a read. Let us know what you think.

And, while you’re there … let me remind you it’s ‘Budget Season’ in LA. Jack Humphreville and Julie Butcher set the scene for us. In Today’s CityWatch.

Ken Draper-Editor, CityWatch

[email protected]