City Hall Raiding Reserve Fund to Balance the Record Revenue Budget
LA WATCHDOG - Our Elected Elite are doing a conga line around City Hall, celebrating the approval of next year’s “balanced” budget (2022-23).
LA WATCHDOG - Our Elected Elite are doing a conga line around City Hall, celebrating the approval of next year’s “balanced” budget (2022-23).
LA WATCHDOG - The LA Watchdog’s Voters Guide for the June 7th primary focuses on the local elections: the City, the County, and the Los Angeles Unified School District.
LA WATCHDOG - Ron Galperin has earned our vote for State Controller because he has done an excellent job as the Controller for the City of Los Angeles.
LA WATCHDOG - “The City Controller is the taxpayers' watchdog and the City's chief auditor and accountant.
LA WATCHDOG - The continuing drought has forced the Metropolitan Water District, the major source of water for the City of Los Angeles, to significantly reduce its allocation of water to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
LA WATCHDOG - The City’s General Fund revenues for the upcoming fiscal year are expected to be $7.4 billion, an increase of almost 9% over this year’s adopted budget.
LA WATCHDOG - When Hydee Feldstein Soto told her friends that she was running to be our next City Attorney, they thought that she had lost her mind.
LA WATCHDOG - In early March, the prospects for the City’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year (2022-23) were not promising.
LA WATCHDOG - On Wednesday, April 20, Mayor Eric Garcetti will submit his ninth and final budget to the City Council.
LA WATCHDOG - On Monday, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that he selected Sergio Perez as the Inspector General of the Department of Water and Power,
LA WATCHDOG - Angels Landing is a proposed $1.6 billion development located at 4th and Hill Streets in DTLA, next to Angels Flight, the shortest railway in the country.
LA WATCHDOG - Multiple levels of government, including the City and County of Los Angeles, enacted eviction moratoriums because of the adverse financial impact the pandemic had on the health and incomes of families and their ability to pay their rents on a timely basis.
LA WATCHDOG - The Department of Water and Power is embarking on an ambitious program (LA100 Renewable Energy Study) to be powered by 100% renewable, carbon free energy by 2035.
LA WATCHDOG - Controller Ron Galperin’s Revenue Forecast Report has both good news and bad news.
LA WATCHDOG - On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council will consider a motion to retain a consultant to assist in the development of a ballot measure to raise $2.1 billion to finance the repair and improvement of our parks that have been neglected by the City over the past three decades.
LA WATCHDOG - Will throwing good money after bad solve the City’s homeless problem?
LA WATCHDOG - As part of its plan to deliver reliable and affordable energy to the 200,000 residents of Glendale as well as to its commercial and industrial customers, the Power Division of Glendale Water and Power is proposing to repower its gas fired Grayson Power Plant.
LA WATCHDOG - A relatively unknown developer is proposing to develop a luxury resort in the hills of Benedict Canyon that will be operated by Bvlgari Hotels and Resorts, an affiliate of LVMH, the world’s largest company specializing in luxury goods.
LA WATCHDOG - In its effort to reduce methane emissions from landfills, the State of California (through SB 1383) has mandated that by 2025 the City divert 75% of its organic waste from landfills, currently a major source of this “super polluting” greenhouse gas.
LA WATCHDOG - The City and the State are benefitting from record revenues, but our politicians and their acolytes want to pick our pockets for even more of our hard-earned money through ballot box budgeting tax measures.
LA WATCHDOG - Over the past two months, four men have pleaded guilty to felony charges relating to the Department of Water and Power’s botched rollout of its new Customer Information System (“CIS”) in September of 2103.
LA WATCHDOG - Corruption permeates the City of Los Angeles.
LA WATCHDOG - With so much uncertainty in the world, will the Nury Martinez led City Council and the Mayor (whoever he or she is) be “prudent” in developing next year’s City’s budget?
LA WATCHDOG - The Second Financial Status Report issued by the City Administrative Officer concluded that the City’s fiscal challenges for 2021-22 are “manageable.”
LA WATCHDOG - On Monday, the United States Attorney’s Office announced that that David Alexander, a former employee of our Department of Water and Power, agreed to plead guilty to one felony charge of making false statements to the FBI.
LA WATCHDOG - Last week, Mayor Eric Garcetti issued Executive Directive No. 31, Achieving Park Equity, that calls for “improved access to parks for communities with less public green space.”
LA WATCHDOG - Now that David Wright, the former General Manager of the Department of Water and Power who was summarily fired in July of 2019, has agreed to plead guilty to bribery in connection with DWP awarding in 2017 a $30 million no-bid contract to a newly formed company controlled by New York City lawyer Paul Paradis, many are wondering who will be the next target(s) of the United States Attorney’s Office?
LA WATCHDOG - The odds that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti will be America’s next ambassador to India are getting slimmer by the day as new revelations of corruption and sexual harassment surface, leaving many to speculate what else is hiding in the closet.
LA WATCHDOG - The Los Angeles Police Department is requesting a 12% increase in its budget for the upcoming fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2022.
LA WATCHDOG - As a result of a return of over 32% on its investment portfolio, the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension Plans (“LAFPP”) are 109% funded as of June 30, 2021, resulting in a surplus of $2.5 billion based on the market value of its investments.
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