Sun, Feb

Ruminations On the Not-So-Great Debate


THE STATE OF THINGS - The irony meter melted in world record time. It took only two minutes of the Biden-Trump Debate grudge rematch for the shock and awe to overwhelm the slavishly devoted minions. It was an emperor had no clothes moment, like no other. But what was revealed was that the President Biden had no mind. He couldn’t connect with his cerebral cortex. Like a jilted, scorned, sociopathic lover, the Mainstream Media threw a world-class hissy fit, as they were the foremost hypocritical purveyors of the myth that Biden was more than a match for that "evil" Putin. How dare they, betray us, like this? 

The trend has ended, the mass formation psychosis entrainment is over, and the spell is broken. The media is pretending to be shocked. How were they duped for so long? How did they never see it coming? OMG, it's not like Joe Biden just fell off a cliff, hit his head on a rock, and now is suddenly non-compos-mentis. The mainstream media's lap-dog-like devotion to pasty white Biden was because he was always more palatable than the orange man who committed the unpardonable sins of calling fake news fake news and delighted in tweeting mean memes. Which were considered deplorable for a person holding high office. 

In many people's minds, Joe Biden's receiving 81,283,501 votes remains to this day inconceivable without some late-night shenanigans and counting program errors. It wasn't then, and certainly isn't now, as White House cheerleaders like to say that Joey is on top of his game, sharp as a tack, and showing incredible command of all the complex issues facing the world and the United States of America. Now people are asking the question what else have they been lying about? The pandemic? Vaccine safety?  January 6th? Who started the Ukraine war? What is the purpose of our open boarders? What’s the real story with climate change and our national grid up to it? 

For those of us with eyes that see, the Scranton-kid has been long showing signs of slowing down, dementia, and maybe Parkinson's disease. Typical symptoms of Parkinson’s include: 

  • Stiff, shuffling gait.
  • Limited arm movements.
  • Impairment of balance.
  • Eyes that don't blink. 

Inasmuch as Biden seemed to have a chance to win, the mainstream media and the big democratic donors were pleased as spiked punch with a free lunch, and validated parking to keep the money train going, if that old war horse of a President would keep the Donald away from the Whitehouse. Now, their fear is palpable because the easy money through corruption, kickbacks, influence peddling, and no-bid contracts could be ending. As of now, it looks like the Delaware-Don's gravy train is about to suffer a catastrophic derailment. 

But the most incredible part of this is that the policies that are bringing us to the brink of nuclear annihilation are not what has the democratic operatives and MSM upset. They are upset because Biden suddenly looks like a loser. The punditry does not give a hoot about the invasion of our southern border, the fentanyl crisis (107,000+ deaths a year), the depletion of our military capabilities, or the untold billions wasted in the Ukraine that is an unwinnable proxy war with 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers. Nor do they care about the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East or alienating our one staunch ally in the region. 

It's OK for Biden to misappropriate classified documents, which he used to help his ghostwriter get him an $8 million book deal. The same crime they are using lawfare to persecute the golden golem of Maga for. Did anybody read Biden's Promises to Keep autobiography? Does anybody in the media care about Hunter’s laptop? What about Ashely’s diary? Why does none of that matter? Are the media masters only concerned about their turn in the lawfare docket? Why has the MSM never expressed a concern that the Constitution was being shredded in front of their very eyes? 

How is it that the Russia, Russia hoax, which was used by the media with devastating effect, and the Hunter Biden laptop is a Russian trick and all the money that was apparently funneled to the Biden family and Hunter the lawless drug-addled son never became a serious campaign issue? 

Why is it OK for Joe to empty our strategic oil reserves to pretend oil and gas prices are lower than they really are? Therefore, seriously degrading our energy security, all the while importing expensive oil from our most favored dictators. Why is Pedo-Pete (JB) not being dragged out of office for printing money so fast that it threatens the country's financial stability? America adds $1 trillion every three months to the deficit. 

The world understands we are deadbeats, and a financial collapse can come when the countries and institutions that normally buy our government bonds stop buying them. How do you pay back $35,000,000,000,000? Printing money out of thin air is causing horrendous inflation that even Walmart shoppers are in shock over. How can the average person afford gas, healthcare, food, and clothing, let alone turn on the air conditioner in California? 

Has anybody in the Democratic party taken a long, hard look at what Uncle Joe's policies have done to the United States? Trump likes to brag about winning. In contrast, the Democrats' policies are losing propositions all over the country and the world. Even the Dollar is looking like Humpty Dumpty. If we lose reserve currency status, all of us will be poorer, the defect won't be funded, the US Government Bonds won't be rolled over, and we will possibly have a depression with hyper-inflation that will make the Dust Bowl and the 1930s depression look like the garden of Eden. 

Joe Biden was placed in the White House as a slightly more sophisticated Disney Animatronic and adequate teleprompter presenter. A human signing bot that signed any dang Bill, Mandate, or Executive Order that his Globalist-Deep State puppeteers placed on the resolute desk. Does JB have the understanding, discrimination, or critical thinking about even the first-degree consequences of such Mandates, Laws, and Rules? Is this why all those cabinet positions, from the Secretary of State and the Department of Justice down, have not exercised the 25th Amendment? These department heads and their lieutenants are charged with running various government sectors, and the economy are probably having a jolly good time making bountiful lucre while running roughshod over the country once known as America the Beautiful. 

Yet JB’s enablers and political allies continue to exploit the President to substitute their destructive agenda against the interests of the American people. This unconscionable betrayal of the deep trust that must exist between the Federal Government and American Citizens is all around us. While in a substantially diminished state of mind, destructive executive orders and policy directives were signed. President Biden and his handlers inflicted tremendous damage on our nation and ourselves, which won't be undone in a four-year term by a different Chief Executive. This begs the question of who is running the country. Is Dr. Jill (not an MD) now the acting President? Should a new President be inaugurated, does he have a moral responsibility to hold Biden's enablers accountable? If that happens, payback could be a bitch. 

(Eliot Cohen has been on the Neighborhood Council, serves on the Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council, and is on the Board of Homeowners of Encino and was the president of HOME for over seven years. Eliot retired after a 35-year career on Wall Street. Eliot is a critic of the stinking thinking of the bureaucrats and politicians that run the County, the State, and the City. Eliot and his wife divide their time between L.A. and Baja Norte, Mexico.   [email protected].)

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