Sun, Oct

Sometimes You Just Want a Dose of Good News


DREAM ON--Sometimes you just want a dose of good news…. So, with that goal in mind, I pedaled out of the city of Los Angeles last Sunday and down the coast to the beach cities. Specifically, Redondo Beach, where, or so I had heard, a new cycletrack had been built bridging a gap in the Marvin Braude bike path, between Hermosa Beach and the rebuilt pier at King Harbor.

And, much to my surprise, the rumors were true: a wide, smooth bikeway, separated from the traffic on Harbo Drive by both a concrete median and street parking for cars. The street parking was hardly necessary, as the area is replete with parking lots, but maybe it helped make the plan acceptable to the unimaginative. In any case, here it is, photographed  in all its August Sunday glory:

Conflict zones are marked with sharrows, and there are even bicycle-specific traffic lights at major intersections (although they are small and a bit hard to see). Furthermore, faster riders are not forgotten: note the sharrows on the general traffic lanes, reminding drivers that bikes are not confined to the cycletrack, but may use the main road as well. As is the rule on every road, except most freeways, in this state.

But wait, that’s not all: Redondo Beach has also added dozens and dozens of its distinctive and easy-to-use bike racks to the popular destination, in some cases upgrading parking spots from old wheelbender or wave racks, in others just planting rows and rows of brand-new parking.

True, some of the racks were placed rather far from the restaurants and shops people come to Redondo Beach to enjoy, and were empty despite heavy bike traffic, but I have no doubt that usage will increase as folks become accustomed to seeing the new bike racks.

It was a beautiful day, with bright sun and flashing white waves on a blue sea, hordes of relaxed and happy people wandering about, and bicycles everywhere. Coming home was almost like waking up from a very pleasant dream.

And if the Neanderthals on LA’s city council don’t club Mobility Plan 2035 to death and drag it off to their caves to die, it could even be a dream come true for Los Angeles as well. Someday …

(Richard Risemberg is a writer. His current professional activities are centered on sustainable development and lifestyle. This column was posted first at Flying Pigeon




Vol 13 Issue 68

Pub: Aug 21, 2015

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