Sun, Feb

Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils,

Dear Representatives and Friends of VANC,
We are very pleased to have three senior representatives of the LA Fire Department, led by the Valley Bureau Commander Trevor Richmond, who will present the LAFD  Strategic Plan for 2022-2025. They will be available to answer some of your questions about fire protection and public safety.
We have a number of hot topics to discuss including a request to have the Valley neighborhood councils write to the local City Councilmembers urging them to retain online public comment opportunities.
For those of you expecting LAUSD Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, he will be our guest speaker on July 14.
I look forward to seeing you this Thursday
Jill Banks Barad-Hopkins, Founder and Chair
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 987 5924 1651


  1. Welcome and Introductions: Jill Banks Barad-Hopkins, Founder and Chair 
  2. Guest Speakers  (30 min): LAFD Representatives: Q&A
  3. Budget Advocates OPPOSE CF11-1020-S3. When NC funds are voted to specific alliances, they alone should be the recipient of those funds. Brian Allen (hot topic # 1) 
  4. NC possible conflict of interest procedure. DONE now wants required NC attorney approval on ALL possible conflicts of interest, even though we’ve taken mandatory ethics training. (hot topic # 2) 
  5. Urge City Council to retain telephonic public commenting. Tony Wilkinson (Hot Topic

# 3)

  1. School Police on LAUSD Campuses (Hot Topic # 4) Jeff Mausner
  2. DONE UPDATE by General Manager Beltran or her appointee
  3. Budget Day via zoom 18JUNE2022 930am and 25JUNE2022 selection of Budget Advocates   www.budgetadvocates.org
  4. BONC UPDATE by Commissioner Shaffer, South Valley and/or Commissioner  Quyen Vo-Ramirez, North Valley
  5. Items from the Floor: